Travel to Chile

Day 7 Santiago - Isla Negra - Valparaiso - Santiago (353 Km.)

(in 135 Km.) Isla Negra: After touring coastal villages as Cartagena, El Tabo and the Quisco, we arrive at Isla Negra, the tranquil resort of Isla Negra, which is in the House-Museum famed Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (Nobel 1971) located opposite the sea, visitors stroll among beautiful figureheads, collections of shells, plenty of personal items and manuscripts of many of the outstanding literary works of Neruda. In every corner of the house, you can appreciate the legacy of this great Chilean poet.

Cartagena - Playa Chica (litle beach)

Cartagena - Playa Chica (litle beach)

Isla Negra - Pablo Neruda´s home

Isla Negra - Pablo Neruda´s home

(in 90 Km.) Viña del Mar: It is called the "garden city" for its well-maintained lawns, with great hotels, outdoor cafes, restaurants and hundreds of trips to the lake, which can travel in the traditional "victorias" ( cars pulled by horses). Each February artists participating in the Song Festival, held in an amphitheater built in the middle of a huge fleet of the Quinta Vergara. This beautiful green houses Vergara Palace and the Museum of Fine Arts, worth visiting.

The Naval Museum, in Cerro Castillo, , on the side of Valparaiso deserves a visit, not only for their things. Also by the castle by itself. On the other side of Marga is the Viña del Mar Casino, built in the mid-30 and the largest in the country. There is a moai (statue from Easter Island) in a square between the Naval Museum and the Hotel Miramar.

Along the coast, over a hundred kilometers along the Pacific Ocean, there are 25 spas of all kinds. There are very elegant, as Zapallar with beautiful houses of beginning of the century, Cachagua, with houses with roofs of straw, Reñaca and Concon, or entertained with great nightlife as Santo Domingo, Papudo and Algarrobo, traditional and popular, or quiet as Cartagena.

(in 9 Km.) Valparaíso: Fifteen minutes from Viña del Mar is Valparaiso, the country´s main port, where the neoclassical architecture of its buildin0gs contrasts with the color of their houses. Steep streets leading to his fourteen of forty-two hills (you can also access them by public scenic lifts). In the cerro Florida is seated "La Sebastiana", house-museum of Pablo Neruda.

The mall is very interesting and has a lucky charm with its crowded and narrow cobbled streets, its buildings and its bars and clubs for sailors. There is a huge flea market on Sunday in Avenida Argentina and on the Park near Uruguay Avenue.

Valparaiso view

Valparaiso view

(in 119 Km.) Santiago de Chile. We returned to Santiago for a great road through the valleys of Casablanca and Curacaví.